
等哪天……等将来……等不忙……等下次……等有时间……等有条件……等有钱了…...等来等去 等没了缘分……等没了青春……等没了健康……等没了机会……等没了选择……等没了美丽;谁也无法预知未来,很多事情可能会一等就等成了永远。——致你们,因为谁也等不起!
Away We Go - John Smith


Just within vision, the road opens wide to swallow me whole
At home with the atlas she's desperate to fly
And so she asks me every day
When are we going away?

The drums of the madman, louder each each, have put me to flight
Places change shape and friends disappear
She calls out to me when I am astray,
She says Baby, Take Me Away!
Hey! Gather your coats and your shoes!

There's nothing to lose!

Let us see better days in some sweet place far away
At the very least we'll say we gave it a go
Spring came on quickly
We never returned, we never looked back
The candle not lit has longer to burn
And still she asks me everyday
She says Baby, Take Me Away!


