
等哪天……等将来……等不忙……等下次……等有时间……等有条件……等有钱了…...等来等去 等没了缘分……等没了青春……等没了健康……等没了机会……等没了选择……等没了美丽;谁也无法预知未来,很多事情可能会一等就等成了永远。——致你们,因为谁也等不起!
Pacific Coast Eyes - Graham Colton


【乡村摇滚】Pacific Coast Eyes - Graham Colton

Graham Colton的音乐应该被划分为Folk/Country Rock之列。清爽的歌喉,明快的节奏令耳朵如沐春风。你会禁不住随着鼓点轻轻抖动,惬意感油然而生。

词曲唱作人Graham Colton来自美国俄克拉荷马州(Oklahoma),高中时曾是名优秀的橄榄球队员,进入得克萨斯州的Southern Methodist University学习后开始自己创作并演唱歌曲,并且通过将自己的歌曲放到Internet上赢得了最早一批歌迷。

《Pacific Coast Eyes》

You made it out of that one house little town*
Told yourself would let nobody slow you down
You say goodbye cause you wanted something more
You got a way with you downtown city life
You gonna stay till your somebody's second wife
Where to begin cause you're moving it in to the top floor
You got around but you're still just passing through
Those other girls they haven't heard the last from you
You don't stop cause you're setting up shop into the next town
If you leave a mess you leave it all behind
And you still make it back in the nick of time
And you can stay all night if the price is right

You let them come on down
Say you're goodbyes
Your pacific coast eyes start to close
And I'm on the outside
Maybe its time
Your pacific coast eyes come back home
And I'm on the outside
You made it out of that one house little town
Those other boys you know are gonna come around
You say goodbye said you've never been sure
But now made a mess but leave it all behind
And you still make it back in the nick of time
If you say your goodbyes and hello to blue skis
Sending a post card form your pacific coast eyes
Say you're goodbyes
Your pacific coast eyes start to close
And I'm on the outside
Maybe its time
Your pacific coast eyes come back home
And I'm on the outside
Now you're everything you wanna be
There's still so much that you don't wanna see
Say you're goodbyes
Your pacific coast eyes start to close
And I'm on the outside
Well maybe its time
Your pacific coast eyes come back home
And I'm on the outside
Say you're goodbyes
Pacific coast eyes start to close
And I'm on the outside
In your one house little town

